Computer tool identification 101
You would be surprised how often you need a hammer when repairing high-end electronics. Also horrified. Computer tool identification 101 (full size).
Kathleen Charters and Lawrence Charters
Explorations large and small
You would be surprised how often you need a hammer when repairing high-end electronics. Also horrified. Computer tool identification 101 (full size).
3941 Having iPhone 4 issues? Pick no more than two.
5386 It’s all about metadata There are three basic NAS type devices out there: * HP Media Server and clones: HP promoted their Media Server at Macworld as a “home file server.” This somewhat surprised me, given that it is Continue reading Why Mac users should think about a Drobo
2258 A colleague sent me a great quote today. The quote is brilliant; the responses are funny in an absurdist sort of way: Social Media is like teen sex Of course, this is cnet, and cnet reported earlier that the Continue reading Social Media is like teen sex
Washington Apple Pi Journal is the official publication of the Washington Apple Pi user group, the oldest continuously active microcomputer group on the planet. Washington Apple Pi originally was focused on Apple II computers, but has branched out to the Apple Continue reading How the Washington Apple Pi Journal is produced
From an illustrated review of Comic Life Magiq, a software package used for making many of these comics. The photos are from a June 2008 Washington Apple Pi meeting featuring Walt Mossberg. Comic Life Magiq review page 1 (full size), page 2 (full size), page 3 (full size), page 4 (full size).
A Web log (blog) is a form of time-shifted information. In our busy modern world, we are too busy to attend concerts, so we have iPods. We are too busy to listen to the phone, so have answering machines. We Continue reading Time traveling communications
After enduring a special effects driven PowerPoint presentation with almost no real content, I was asked what I thought of the presentation. Beyond PowerPoint (full size).