Washington Apple Pi Journal

It will take some time to post the Washington Apple Pi Journal articles. There are a lot of them, and the articles and any illustrations are mostly not in digital form. Laziness dictates that I not retype everything 😇 and Continue reading Washington Apple Pi Journal

Why I didn’t become a graphic artist

I spent most of my grade school years drawing pictures instead of doing classwork. Classwork was easy, so I did that quickly and then “illuminated” my work with fanciful spacecraft, mythic maps, and lots of lizards and horses. My maps Continue reading Why I didn’t become a graphic artist

Steve Jobs, 1955-2011

Photos taken at the Apple Store, Columbia Mall, Columbia, Maryland. Photos taken, appropriately, with an iPhone 4.

Posting via MacJournal

3360 MacJournal is an inexpensive application that allows you to blog — or create a local journal on your Mac, or both — using a full, native Mac application. There are also iPhone and iPad versions, but we’ll ignore them Continue reading Posting via MacJournal

Why Mac users should think about a Drobo

5386 It’s all about metadata There are three basic NAS type devices out there: * HP Media Server and clones: HP promoted their Media Server at Macworld as a “home file server.” This somewhat surprised me, given that it is Continue reading Why Mac users should think about a Drobo