There has been much news froth about UFOs over the past several years, for no good reason. There are some who still argue the Earth is flat, and others that vaccines are a plot by Communists or drug companies or Big Needle or Liberals or Conservatives There are others who believe that Atlantis was once in the Caribbean or Mediterranean or Baltic or South China Sea, and yet others who believe you can predict the future using an Ouija Board (despite the fact that it is trademarked by a game company. All these are interesting things to believe in but, there is more evidence that the Chinese discovered North America before Columbus than in any of the previous “beliefs.”
And yet: I discovered a UFO in a driveway. Not a driveway in Area 51, but one just miles south of the Canadian border. And unlike most UFO sightings, I have photographic proof that is not blurred or splotchy or ambiguous: it is clear as day. Or as clear as a clear day on the back of a truck.

I will concede that it may not be, technically, a UFO, since it is not unidentified: I have identified it as a UFO!