This is allegedly a check-in kiosk, allowing you to get a personal, human touch from a machine and not one of those impersonal people. Unfortunately, it would not let you check in.
Several things are of interest:
- While laser printers abound in this particular clinic, and white paper is readily apparent, the message taped to the front of the screen is on yellow paper, and written in both ink and either lipstick or crayon.
- The hand-written message, written by two different writers, claims that it is both “Coming Soon!” and “THIS IS OUT OF ORDER Don’t Use,” suggesting that coming soon the kiosk would be out of order.
- Or maybe that should be reversed, and that it is currently out of order, and something else — order? — will soon be coming.
- The nameplate at the bottom says the kiosk was made by Vecna Medical, and their registered slogan is “Better Technology. Better World.” Better technology than human receptionists? Than hand-written signs? And are we talking about this particular world, or some other world?

One more question: why is the kiosk turned on if it is not working?