This “Auto-Motion Interactive Pet Laser Toy for Cats and Dogs” apparently has something to do with Animal Planet, though it isn’t entirely clear on what that “something” might be. Other text on the packaging claims it “projects full-motion laser light onto floors and walls,” and that “moving laser light entertains pets for hours,” and “generates random laser patterns automatically for endless pet fun!” This latter point is endorsed with a paw print, and fine print that says “Depicted laser pattern is simulated.”
If you have a laser pointer, and you have a cat, it is well worth playing with the cat using the pointer. Shine the pointer on the floor, then move it around, and the cat will become absolutely fascinated with the light. The cat will focus on the light with a hunter’s predatory stare, and wiggle and twitch as it prepares for the kill, then dash in and pounce on the light — which you will move around to drive the cat nuts. It is fun for you, and probably fun for the cat.
Why on earth would you have a cat and a laser and not do this yourself? Why would you cede such fun to a robot? Why even have a cat if you aren’t going to play with it?
Dogs are another matter. Shine a laser at the floor, and the dog will look at you and try to telepathically ask, “OK, boss, I see what you are doing, but I don’t know why. Tell me what to do. Yes, that light is bright, but it has no smell, it doesn’t look like it has a taste, it doesn’t seem to be threatening, and I can’t herd it, so I’m going to ignore it. Why do you look like you expect me to do something?”
Despite the packaging, dogs really could not care less about lasers. Lasers are of no interest at all.
This is a waste of cardboard packaging, plastic, and electronic circuitry.