Designer trail mix

While standing in the checkout line of a geeky store, we noticed some trail mix for sale. Trail mix goes by many names, but is generally considered to be a combination of dried fruit, nuts, and possibly cereal of some sort, intended as something you can take on a hike or long walk. But it occurred to us that trail mix can be tailored to target audiences:

Hiker trail mix: dried soybeans, peanuts, raisins, Chex mix

Extreme jock trail mix: raisins, dried wheat grains, dried rice grains, sand.

Programmer trail mix: M&Ms, pretzels, peanuts.

Mobile app programmer trail mix: whatever the hamster is eating.

System administrator trail mix: M&Ms, pretzels, peanuts, caffeinated raisins.

Web developer trail mix: Organic pretzels, organic peanuts, M&Ms, organic raisins.

Digital strategy manager: Organic caffeinated pretzels, organic caffeinated peanuts, M&Ms, organic caffeinated raisins.

Digital services finance officer: Chex mix.

Chief technology officer: organic M&Ms.

Chief information officer: organically dried fruits (i.e., left in a bowl and forgotten).

 Digital artist: artisan organic fair-trade pumpkin seeds, cashews, sunflower seeds, soybeans, apricots and sultanas.


I started life as a child.