80-U.S. Journal

Completed posting of several 80-U.S. Journal articles. My first microcomputer was a TRS-80 Model I, purchased in Daly City, California in 1978. I’d been encouraged to purchase an Apple II by Steve Jobs, personally, at the West Coast Computer Faire, Continue reading 80-U.S. Journal

AppleTree articles

Several articles were published in the Columbia Apple Slice newsletter, AppleTree These were exclusively on Apple Macintosh subjects, as the user group was explicitly an Apple Macintosh user group. However, because of the publication name, I started getting orchard and Continue reading AppleTree articles

Mini book reviews

Random short book reviews. These are mostly science fiction and fantasy, with some history, computer science and other topics thrown in as seems appropriate. https://www.nishiryu.us/publications/mini-book-reviews These are not in any particular order other than chronological.

Mini computer hardware and software reviews

Much like the photography mini-reviews, these are short (mini) reviews on computer and hardware topics, including some mobile technology items. They are in no particular order, except chronological: https://www.nishiryu.us/publications/mini-computer-reviews The first computer I ever used was an IBM 360/67, a Continue reading Mini computer hardware and software reviews

Mini photography reviews

These are short (mini) reviews on photography subjects, not reviews of miniature photographs. There is no particular theme aside from “things I acquired to help take photos.” https://www.nishiryu.us/publications/mini-photography-reviews I first got a camera roughly 50 years ago, a Yashica TL-Electro. Continue reading Mini photography reviews