Early version of Google

This was the early version of Google. Using these humble wooden drawers, generations of scholars and researchers, desperate students and cunning spies, despairing parents and fanatical bibliophiles, and every other shape and size of reader delved into the depth and breadth Continue reading Early version of Google

Adam the First

Genesis states that man was formed from dust of the ground, and this first man, Adam, went on with Eve to populate the Earth. This happened before 4000 BC, according to Bishop James Ussher (1581-1656), who precisely dated the creation Continue reading Adam the First

Digital scrapbook V

What priests (presumably Anglican) want you to know: http://dirtysexyministry.blogspot.co.uk/2012/05/what-priests-want-you-to-know.html Silhouette Man wonders WTF is wrong with America (note: language is in keeping with what one might expect of posts including the abbreviation “WTF”): http://www.dailykos.com/story/2012/06/26/1103368/-The-One-Comic-That-Explains-Just-How-Screwed-America-Is I’m farming and I grow it: Continue reading Digital scrapbook V

Digital scrapbook

Calming manatee: http://calmingmanatee.com/ Want kids to learn science? http://www.smbc-comics.com/index.php?db=comics&id=2125 Calvin and Hobbes much later: http://www.pantsareoverrated.com/archive/2011/05/10/hobbes-and-bacon/ http://www.pantsareoverrated.com/archive/2011/05/12/hobbes-and-bacon-002/ http://www.pantsareoverrated.com/archive/2011/10/11/hobbes-and-bacon-03-2/ http://www.pantsareoverrated.com/archive/2011/10/13/hobbes-and-bacon-04-2/ Pocket Princess: http://amymebberson.tumblr.com/tagged/Pocket+Princesses Methodist humor: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WsuSRinUnIg Galaxy of Passion, a Telenovela. Be honest: instead of going 3D, George Lucas should have tried Continue reading Digital scrapbook

Shades of Twilight and vampires

When you awake to find Post-It notes on the refrigerator, kitchen cabinets, kitchen table, and various doors that say this: can there be any doubt about a forthcoming vampire apocalypse? Though I do admit that the methodology of the prophecy Continue reading Shades of Twilight and vampires

Sing-along Messiah at the Kennedy Center

On a cold winter’s night, a band of 2,500 crazed individuals lined up at the Kennedy Center for free tickets to the annual Messiah sing-along. Between the wind whipping in from the Potomac and the poor light, it was an Continue reading Sing-along Messiah at the Kennedy Center

Flash Forward

2754 There is a new ABC TV series called “Flash Forward.” It is an exercise in non-sequiturs, or possibly pre-sequiturs. Each episode consists of short vignettes, from the past, present or future, in which the characters try to figure out Continue reading Flash Forward