Tudor’s biscuits?

One thing that separates the United States from England is the humble biscuit. We simply cannot agree on what a “biscuit” is, and this disagreement was one of the flash points of the American Revolution. (Possibly baking points rather than Continue reading Tudor’s biscuits?

Great moments in marketing

Women’s clothing stores spare no expense to advertise their wares and put them in the best light. Just look at this lovingly crafted display in an upper end clothier. Women’s clothing is also, apparently anti-slavery, which is a good thing. Continue reading Great moments in marketing

Bottle cap Flag

In the United States, you can start a riot, or sink a political campaign, or fill nightly newscasts for a week with a real or implied desecration of the American flag. But apparently there is nothing at all wrong with Continue reading Bottle cap Flag

Official Fourth Estate

Here we see a newspaper box at George Mason University in Northern Virginia. Note that the title of the newspaper is “Fourth Estate.” Then notice the slogan at the top: “Broadside and Connect2Mason present George Mason University’s official student news Continue reading Official Fourth Estate

Medical advice

Profound advice from a bumper sticker on profound advice: Fun fact: the United States and New Zealand are the only countries that allow direct-to-consumer pharmaceutical advertising.

Who says our government is sterile and soulless?

It is a political year (which suggests that some years are not political?) and a popular view is that government — local, state, national, international — is enriched in extravagant luxury. Those who work in government have a different view. Continue reading Who says our government is sterile and soulless?