Sing-along Messiah at the Kennedy Center

On a cold winter’s night, a band of 2,500 crazed individuals lined up at the Kennedy Center for free tickets to the annual Messiah sing-along. Between the wind whipping in from the Potomac and the poor light, it was an Continue reading Sing-along Messiah at the Kennedy Center

Things sent to me: mystery sign

What is this sign trying to tell me? And do I really want to know?

Patriotic van

Yes, this photo was taken while driving, and driving in the rain, no less. On the other hand, it was a heavy rain, and the traffic was very slow. Plus: the car was stopped by a red light, which you Continue reading Patriotic van

Sensitive selling

When shopping for others, it is always wise to be sensitive to their needs. But in our sensitive, touchy-feely world, sensitive selling is also important. Sensitive selling is very big in the world of ideas (you can take classes on Continue reading Sensitive selling

Smart screen

We’ve all witnessed the inappropriate use of technology. But no matter how often we may see it, such misapplication happens over and over and over again. Such as this electronic kiosk, found just a few feet from the Apple Store in Continue reading Smart screen

Steve Jobs, 1955-2011

Photos taken at the Apple Store, Columbia Mall, Columbia, Maryland. Photos taken, appropriately, with an iPhone 4.