Cape Disappointment on a sunny day

One of the most violent channels along the coast of the United States can be found off Cape Disappointment, at the mouth of the Columbia River. The cape is on the north side of the Columbia River as it flows Continue reading Cape Disappointment on a sunny day

Golden Gate on a sunny day

While living in the San Francisco Bay area, I was fascinated with how people’s expectations met with reality. A common example: people would plan for years — sometimes their entire lives — to travel to San Francisco and see the Continue reading Golden Gate on a sunny day


I’ve updated my (partial) list of published cartoons. The old page was a non-responsive design, and was just so 20th century. Updates are evolutionary, which means that I will add to this as I get around to it. Please note Continue reading Cartoons


Several hundred items were published in the Yokosuka Seahawk and I no longer have copies of most of those stories. It will take me considerable time to convert the articles I still retain. These were scanned from the printed originals. Continue reading Seahawk

Bunny life

This poor little bunny, a Godiva bunny no less, has suffered the depredations of a maurading bunny nibbler. The bunny is but a shell of its former self, a broken shell at that.

Not dolphin approved

This sign, posted on a pier at Fort DeSoto Park, south of St. Petersburg, Florida, is not dolphin approved. Dolphins are highly intelligent animals, fully capable of serving in their role as a top predator in the ocean. Yet like Continue reading Not dolphin approved

Government shutdown explained

I figured since everybody else was drawing charts, I should make one of my own. (Photos from various public sites.) Government Shutdown Explained (full size)

Of Cats and memory cards

In retrospect, I should have used LOLcats photos as the metric. Photo scanned in from things on my desk (now less cluttered). Cats and memories (full size).