Any trip to a shopping mall will be full of delights, even if you are not shopping. The delights, for me, are usually in the form of absurdities.
For example, where else can you rent a hippo?

In a later visit, I discovered that these animals not only rolled, but were powered. Yes! You can rent a hippo and ride it around the mall (at fairly low speed), because it is an electric hippo!
On the plush toy front, the mall also offered this large space pirate panda raccoon bandit Stormtrooper something. Not entirely sure what it was, except armed with a sniper rifle.

And where but a mall could you find a massage chair that not only vibrated and pummeled your body but also had a convenient USB recharger? Another First World Problem, solved!

At the risk of making fun of Nordstrom’s again, the most intriguing absurdity was this partial mannikin, which suggests that the human female form consists of sharp, angular pyramids:

Admittedly, this may be an entirely personal problem. Some large segment of the world population may prefer feminine pyramids over feminine curves. Make note to avoid the pyramidal people.